Friday, January 30, 2009

Emilee Cox Says "Do Something!"

Here's how the program with works......

Get a short text message from me, opportunities to volunteer and get involved in your area and you'll automatically be registered to win a new Samsung Rant from Sprint.

Just text "Emilee" to 30644 now and do something!

Emilee on Good Morning America

Click above to play the clip from this morning's Good Morning America.

More Emilee on Good Morning America Now

More Extreme Texter Interviews from Good Morning America Now

Emilee On Good Morning America

Extreme Texters on Friday's Good Morning America -

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Daily Commercial Newspaper Article from Jan 29th

On Tuesday in NY waiting for our flight home to Orlando we got a call from Roxanne Brown from the Daily Commercial newspaper. Here is a link to the article that ran in today's paper.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Coming Up On Good Morning America - Extreme Texters

Stay tuned to Good Morning America for "Extreme Texters".

The story should be on Friday's show. Chris Cuomo talks to me, Preston McVeigh and Kimberly Garcia and our parents.

Text "Emilee" To 30644 And Do Something!

Since I'm in the news for doing nothing (just texting all the time) I thought it would be good to actually DO SOMETHING.

Kristin from Sprint set us up to meet with while we were in New York this week.

They set up a pretty cool program where you can text the word "Emilee" to 30644 and you'll get back a short message from me and then you can text back your zip code to get a text back with volunteer opportunities in your area.

Here is a link for more details on the website.

The video is coming soon.

Thanks to Etan Horowitz at the Orlando Sentinel for writing about it on his blog Etan on Tech on Monday (click below to read all about it)

The story also ran in the Orlando Sentinel on Tuesday.

Go ahead and try it .......text Emilee to 30644 and DO SOMETHING!

Emilee Cox on Inside Edition

My story got bumped a few times for real news like the NY plane crash and the inauguration of President Obama, but the story finally aired on Friday January 23rd.

Here is a link to the story.

I'll upload the video soon.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Just got home from New York :) It was lots of fun but very cold.

Took lots of pictures and video, so I'll update tomorrow after school.

Wanted to say hi and thanks to Molly and Chris Cuomo from Good Morning America, hi to Kimberly and Preston, and give a shout out to Antonio G from NYC from our hotel.

The Good Morning America story should air on Friday morning.
At JFK in New York about to take off....Taping Good Morning America was fun....more later. Emilee

Monday, January 26, 2009

Just landed in nyc...more later. Em

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Emilee Cox ....Coming soon on Good Morning America. Flying on Monday morning and taping on Tuesday. Will keep you posted.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Emilee Cox - America's Top Texter - I'm #1

Susannah Cahalan, who did the original article in the New York Post about Reina Hardesty (the 13 year old girl from California who racked up 14,528 text messages in a month), wanted to know who was America's Top Texter.

The results are in.....and I'm #1.

Emilee Cox - Contact Information

It's been really crazy since the first story came out Tuesday in the Orlando Sentinel.

Since we don't have a home phone (people still have those?) reporters have been calling neighbors and even my grandmother looking for me.

We made this easy email link so if you'd like to speak with me just email my dad.

His email is

Emilee Cox - Talking About Texting With Bud Heddinger

Did a talk radio interview with Bud Heddinger from 540 WFLA in Orlando

This is from the 540WFLA.COM website....

Local Teen is Text Message Champ! 14-year-old Emilee Cox from Clermont doesn't like talking on the phone. She'd rather use her cell phone to text message with her friends, which she does up to 35,000 times a month!! Now texting doesn't work for talk radio, but Emilee agreed to phone me during today's show and share her amazing story, which is getting national attention.

Emilee Cox - Countin' Them Down With Spyder Harrison on Sirius Hits 1

Interviewed by Spyder Harrison on the Weekend Countdown on Sirius Hits 1.

Thanks Sypder! It was fun.

Emilee Cox - On ESPN? You've GOT to be kidding! my brother Charles wasn't impressed by the Orlando Sentinel article, the Fox35 TV interview or even the other online articles.

But when PTI came on ESPN on Wednesday that all changed.

During the open to the show Michael Wilbon and Tony Kornheiser were talking about it.

I don't have it on video...note to ESPN.....I really would like to have one :).....but I do have the PTI podcast.

Emilee Cox - Weird Wednesday - Already in London?

So I knew I was going to be in the Orlando Sentinel....I wasn't too shocked to see the story quickly picked up in Tampa....but to have it reach the website for the London Daily Mail within 6 hours?
In the actual newspaper the next day it was a tiny article on the same page as Amy Winehouse.

Emilee Cox Contact Information

It's been really crazy since the first story came out Tuesday in the Orlando Sentinel.

Since we don't have a home phone (people still have those?) reporters have been calling neighbors and even my grandmother looking for me.

We made this easy email link so if you'd like to speak with me just email my dad. His email is

Emilee Cox - Teen Text Queen TV Interview

Emilee Cox - Interview with FOX35 Orlando January 14, 2009

Here is my interview with David Martin from Fox35 News in Orlando.

Emilee Cox - 35,463 Text Messages In 30 Days - No Big Deal